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Vol. 33 No. 3 (2024)


Fr. Jacek Salij – Christology tuning to the Holy Scripture

  • Fr. Grzegorz Bachanek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-10-14


The article shows the role of the Scripture in the way Christology is pursued by the prominent Polish theologian Fr. Jacek Salij. Biblical books of the Old and New Testament are at the heart of his theological thought. Through the commentaries of the Latin and Greek Fathers of the Church, he strives to uncover the depth of the Scripture. As he reads the Bible, he does not stop at the text itself, but aims at the encounter with Jesus Christ as the person. He confronts the Holy Scripture with the questions of today’s readers and the contemporary culture. In the way, he practises Christology, you can see the influence of the theological ressourcement movement. He strongly opposes a nominalistic lecture of the Bible.


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