Game adaption. Relation between video games and literature based on the collection of short stories “Gamedec” written by Marcin Przybyłek and its adaptation 11-22 Natalia Kańduła PDF (Język polski)
POP-Angels: an analysis of the representation of angelic characters in the Diablo 23-36 Mateusz Kot PDF (Język polski)
Mediatization of religious cult exemplified by mass in Roblox 37-49 Piotr Lendzion PDF (Język polski)
Life is not a play… it is all one game How algorithms take away our freedom of choice 51-72 Piotr Łuczuk PDF (Język polski)
Religious creation of the world in the Diablo game series and its translation 73-96 Ewa B. Nawrocka PDF (Język polski)
Digital games and the catechetical message about deadly sins 111-122 Aneta Rayzacher-Majewska PDF (Język polski)
Quiet and silence as the basis for prayer in the life and teaching of St. Paul of The Cross 137-150 Łukasz Andrzejewski PDF (Język polski)
Probe in public media broadcasts: TVP Info and Polish Radio First Program in 2019–2020. A comparative analysis of a journalist’s workshop 151-190 Ewa Karpińska PDF (Język polski)
Artificial Intelligence and Contemporary Journalism. Opportunities and Threats for the Fourth Estate as Exemplified by the Automation of the MSN News Service, Part 3 191-220 Kinga Kwaczyńska PDF (Język polski)
Movie adaptations of Tolkien’s Middle-earth. Peter Jackson’s ecranizations 221-235 Piotr Lendzion PDF (Język polski)
The formation of the hierarchy of the clergy until the 4th century 237-244 Dawid Makowski PDF (Język polski)
The image of Barbara Kurdej-Szatan on the gossip portals Pudelek and Pomponik. Reflections on the actress’s commentary on a recording showing migrants on the polish-belarusian border during the ongoing migration crisis 245-257 Agata Skalska PDF (Język polski)
Mariusz Rosik, Miejsca biblijne na każdy dzień roku. Od Edenu do Niebiańskiej Jerozolimy, Wydawnictwo Vocatio, Warszawa 2022 259-261 Jarosław Ćwikła PDF (Język polski)
Amy-Jill Levine, Jesus for everyone not just christians, HarperCollins Publishers, New York 2024 261-262 Andrzej Perzyński PDF (Język polski)