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V. 30 N. 1 (2021)


Normy komplementarne fakultatywne konferencji episkopatów w zakresie „munus docendi” Kościoła

  • Jerzy Adamczyk
Pubblicato: 2021-06-07


The purpose of the article is to present the issue of the use by the episcopal conferences of optional norms of the Code of Canon Law in the scope of the munus docendi of the Church. The Code obliges or enables episcopal conferences to issue norms complementary to the Code of Canon Law, among others regarding the teaching office of the Church. In three cases, the Code provides for the issuance of possible arrangements for an episcopal conference regarding the munus docendi of the Church (canon 755 § 2, 766, 804 § 1). The author presented and evaluated the provisions of selected episcopal conferences in the field of the teaching office of the Church. The whole article concludes with a summary and bibliography.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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