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V. 32 N. 1 (2023)


Rozróżnienie realne esse-essentia w metafizyce według Leonarda Polo

  • ks. Adam Sołomiewicz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Pubblicato: 2023-04-25


In order to lead metaphysics out of the crisis, according to Leonard Polo it is necessary to recover for philosophy its greatest achievements and rethink its fundaments and correct possible aporias. These include Aristotle’s too narrow approach to the concept of potency (substances are in fact potential), or the adoption of too many acts of existence and essences in physical reality. According to Polo, the world has one act of existence and one essence, while the multiplicity of beings comes from the interaction of four physical causes: material, formal, causative and final. The unity of the order of these co-causes creates one essence, which corresponds to one act of existence of the world: persistence. The existence of the universe is the first principle of non-contradiction, while the first principle of identity is the Creator, from whom everything comes. The object of Leonardo Polo’s metaphysics is the act of existence of the physical world, whereas the created acts of spiritual existence (persons) are the object of transcendental anthropology, which stands above metaphysics.

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