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Nr 4 (2022)


Rzecznik Praw Zwierząt – paląca potrzeba czy zbędny wymysł prawodawcy?

  • Aleksandra Hurkała
Opublikowane: 04.02.2024


The aim of the article is to make an assessment whether it is justified to establish a new authority: Animal Rights Ombudsman. It presents the legal instruments in the field of animal protection adopted so far and information about the activities of the authorities. The choice of the proposed name and the purposefulness of granting the Ombudsman immunity are analysed. The proposed powers of the Ombudsman are compared to the powers of other ombudsmen. The methods of linguistic-logical and argumentative analysis are used. Materials from the legislative process are used in the article. The analysis of the presented issue shows that the proposalis redundant and has certain flaws.


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