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Nr 11 (2023)


Rola sektora finansowego w kształtowaniu cykli na rynku nieruchomości – ujęcie teoretyczne i aplikacyjne

  • Rafał Balina
  • Marta Idasz-Balina
Opublikowane: 05.02.2024


Cycle theory finds its application, with varying degrees of intensity, in many sectors of the economy. One such segment where the cycle is of interest to researchers and practitioners is the real estate market. This article aims to point out the importance of the financial sector in shaping the relationship between economic cycles and real estate cycles, which can help, for example, to improve the implementation of investment processes in this market, and to introduce mechanisms aimed at carrying out measures to reduce the amplitude of cyclical fluctuations in the real estate market. The article presents selected theories indicating factors that influence the real estate market in terms of demand and supply, as well as selected analyses of the real estate market in Poland in 2010–2020.


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