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No. 1-2 (2023)


The possibility of using evidence obtained through torture by private entities in the context of the convention principle of freedom from ill-treatment and the right to a fair trial – a commentary to the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of 5.11.2020 (application no 31454/10), in in the case of Ćwik v. Poland

  • Maciej Babula
Published: 2024-02-05


The glossed judgment concerned the issue of using evidence obtained with the use of torture in a criminal trial. with the proviso that the perpetrators of the ill-treatment were private entities. The Tribunal found that the freedom from torture, confirmed in Art. 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights protects an individual from ill-treatment both when committed by public authorities and private entities. In the opinion of the ECtHR, it is unacceptable to use in the trial evidence obtained by private entities with the use of ill-treatment.


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