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No. 1-2 (2022)


Intertemporal aspects of the aggregate penalty with particular emphasis upon changes resulting from the amendment of the Criminal Code of 19.06.2020

  • Jan Kluza
Published: 2024-01-23


The article discusses the issue relating to the amendment, made on 24.06.2020, of the Criminal Code of 19.06.2020, as regards the principles of adjudicating an aggregate penalty. Despite a short time since the provisions in questions entered into force, first rulings have already been rendered where doubts are raised concerning interpretation of transitional provisions contained in the Act of 19.06.2020. Considering the direction of amendments made by the Act in question, this issue is of crucial importance. It should be observed in this context that Article 81 of the Act of 19.06.2020 which includes transitional provisions has no absolute nature so that, in the scope left uncovered thereby, general rules for transitional provisions apply, which is discussed in detail in the article.


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