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Nr 10 (2023)


Prawnokarna ochrona tablic rejestracyjnych pojazdów mechanicznych na gruncie nowego art. 306c Kodeksu karnego

  • Adam Behan
Opublikowane: 05.02.2024


The publication outlines a new type of criminal act, described in Article 306c of the Penal Code, which is part of the amendment to the Penal Code that came into force on 1 October 2023. This provision criminalizes, among other things, the taking of registration plates, their counterfeiting, alteration, and use of a registration plate not assigned to a vehicle. The article points out that the described feature of „registration plate of a motor vehicle, allowing this vehicle to be admitted to traffic on the territory of the Republic of Poland” is in fact empty, because such plates do not exist under the current legal order. It seems that the legislator meant „legalized registration plates of a motor vehicle”, but the consequence of such an interpretation is exclusion from under the scope of protection of trailer plates. The author also notes that in the light of the new regulations, the use of „wedding” plates may be treated quite differently due to the transfer of such behaviour from the category of contraventions to misdemeanors, and the potentially socially unacceptable consequences resulting from this.


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