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Vol. 20 (2016)


Colour as a important feature in forensic examination of clothes and fibre

  • Róża Starczak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-07


Fibers as forensic traces are revealed and recovered in various cases involving robbery,
murder, car accident or rape. This type of microtrace is often helpful to determining the relationship between people, person and crime scene or person and object. Single fiber does not have the individualizing attributes – the identification of this type of forensic traces allows to characterize their physicochemical features and classify to a specific type of fibers. The most important feature of fibers/clothing subjected to verification for forensic purposes is their colour, which is closely connected with consciousness and sense organs of human body. When colour is formed light has dominant role in this process, colour of object is a result of the selective absorption of light radiation and the combined effect of all other rays that pass through (for transparent objects) or reflected (for opaque) by this object. The aim of the article is to introduce the colour related issues which refer to forensic
fiber and clothes evidence.


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