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Vol. 13 No. 2 (2020)


Legal Aspects of the Borough’s Use of the Landscape-Nature Protected Complex

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-12-31


Under Art. 43 of the Act on Nature Conservation landscape-nature protected complexes are sections of a natural and cultural landscape which deserve protection because of their scenic or aesthetic value. As this provision points out they serve landscape conservation and may be employed unless the appropriate authority adopts other forms of nature conservation. Unfortunately, in practice, boroughs adopt resolutions establishing landscape-nature complexes in response to the demand of one of the parties to the conflict existing in a given territory, resulting from an investment implemented by an entrepreneur. It is precisely due to the collision of planned activities or economic undertakings with environmental goods, including protected natural assets, that it is necessary to develop and apply legal tools that would allow for the realisation of public rights to use the environment inter alia by ensuring active influence of entities having legal interest in the procedurę of creation of landscape-nature protected complexes. Such a legal framework would enable potential sources of conflict to be minimised.


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