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Tom 16 Nr 1 (2023)


The Council of Europe’s Support for Ukraine in the Face of the Russian Federation’s Aggression

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 30.06.2023


A year will have passed on 24 February 2023 since the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine, violating the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state and some fundamental norms of international law. Europe faced a grave refugee crisis, the largest since the end of the WW2, in connection with forced population movements – around 14 million were forced to leave their homes. Ukraine is still suffering from the bombing and shelling of its civilians and critical infrastructure, death, destruction, resettlements, and suffering on an unprecedented scale, with no end in sight. Since the beginning of the Russian aggression, Ukraine has been receiving diverse support from other countries or international organisations. The Council of Europe, with Ukraine as a member since 1995, has assisted that nation in many fields.


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