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Tom 17 Nr 2 (2024)


The Right to Education of Ukrainian Refugee Children in Polish Schools after February 24, 2022

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 23.12.2024


It should be emphasized that the method of preparing the Polish education system to accept children of Ukrainian refugees, developed in cooperation with education superintendents, school principals and the governing bodies (local governments) has proven to be almost foolproof. Nowhere in Poland have there been any problems related to this over the past 2 years. Moreover, the presence of Ukrainian students in Polish schools does not generate any conflicts on the grounds of nationality, nor does it negatively impact the quality of education. It is hoped that the recently proposed solutions, including the exemption of Ukrainian students from the mandatory Polish language exam and the introduction of Ukrainian elements into the core curriculum in Polish schools, will not have a detrimental effect on this positive outcome.


  1. Fidler, Monika. 2024. “Uczeń z Ukrainy nie będzie zdawał języka polskiego na egzaminie ósmoklasisty.” [accessed: 30.09.2024]. [Google Scholar]
  2. Wysocka, Marta. 2022. “Uczniowie z Ukrainy od 1 września 2022 r. – organizacja kształcenia, wychowania i opieki w roku szkolnym 2022/2023.” [accessed: 30.09.2024]. [Google Scholar]


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