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Vol. 12 No. 1 (2019)


Controversy over the Legal Status and the Financing of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-06-30


Legal uncertainty concerning the legal status and the financing of the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) revived after Act 2.0 (the Law on Higher Education and Science) had entered into force in 2018. Interpretation doubts concern, in particular the systemic interpretation, which should take into account the unique nature of KUL as an ecclesiastical higher education institution. The authors of the article focused on selected issues. The analysis made it possible to formulate a thesis that the Catholic University of Lublin is a Catholic higher education institution with full rights of a public higher education institutions and receives subsidies and other funds from the state budget according to the rules specified for public universities. It does not have the status of a public university or a non-public university within the meaning of Act 2.0. Any doubts arise not only from the content of Act 2.0 itself, but also from difficulties in the application of regulations of a lex specialis nature governing the activities of church legal entities in the Polish legal system. In the opinion of the authors, the reference contained in the Act 2.0. determining the area of regulation to which the Catholic University of Lublin is subject is not sufficient in itself.


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