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Tom 17 Nr 2 (2024)


The Legal Status of Ukrainian Citizens in the Law of the Federal Republic of Germany

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 23.12.2024


There are currently around 1.1 million Ukrainian citizens in Germany who have entered its borders since February 24, 2022. The legal status of Ukrainian citizens in the Federal Republic of Germany is primarily regulated by Section 24(1) of the Act on Residence, Establishment and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Republic of Germany. Only 21% of them are employed: 113,000 have found employment that allows them to pay social security contributions, while 36,000 perform the so-called mini-job, i.e. minimum employment. The basis of professional integration is taking an integration course. Integration courses are designed to teach the German language and the basics of functioning and the rule of law in Germany. It should be noted that approximately 55,000 Ukrainian citizens are currently continuing their school, vocational or higher education.


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