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Vol. 17 No. 19 (1) (2022)


Directions of Effective Electronicisation of the Criminal Process

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-06-14


The article deals with the subject of electronicisation of criminal proceedings. The author aims to present the current solutions and their practical functioning, taking into account the period of their introduction to the Code of Criminal Procedure. The key contemporary threat affecting the efficiency of the procedure, i.e. the COVID-19 pandemic, was indicated as the time turning point. This analysis leads to the conclusion that the existing solutions are rudimentary and there is no systemic approach. Thus, in terms of digitization, criminal proceedings differ significantly from the civil procedure, where the reform was launched much earlier and had a wider scope. The article indicates barriers that may slow down or abandon the implementation of electronicisation of criminal proceedings, including barriers of a legal, training and psychological nature. The possibility of overcoming the above barriers was also referred to. Based on the analyzes, the author formulated three steps (stages) of digitization of criminal proceedings, pointing to: the first step – digitization of criminal procedure activities; second step – electronicisation of hearings, hearings and evidentiary activities; third step – electronic order for payment. The links between the individual stages and the key reasons for the effectiveness and speed of implementation at each of the formulated stages were also indicated.


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