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Vol. 5 No. 5 (2010)


A Law Graduate as a Specialist in Public Health

  • Igor Szwiec
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2010-06-30


Since December 2008, Polish law graduates can become specialists in the area of public health. The main goal of education in this domain is to create an array of professionals who would realize tasks pertaining to public health at the level of government administration, local self-government and NGOs, in the domain of sanitary supervision (especially by the State Sanitary lnspectorate) and protection against environmental threats, in outpatients health care facilities and other institutions that promote a healthy lifestyle. A lawyer – specialist in public health can perform tasks in various fields pertaining to the health policy of the State. Professionals who have thorough education in law and public health are needed in spheres where legal factors exert influence on such spheres as modeling financial incentives in health service, accreditation of medical institutions, creation of rules of health insurance and in institutions connected with pharmaceutical industry.


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