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Vol. 18 No. 20 (2) (2023)


Informatisation of Activities Undertaken as Part of and in Connection with the Passport Procedure

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-12-01


Informatisation is a process that touches various areas of an individual’s life. Nowadays, it is reaching further levels of development, as can be seen, for example, in the electronic service made available by the minister responsible for informatisation and in the use of artificial intelligence in various procedures. It is ubiquitous in the public administration departments regulated by personal administrative law. The Act of 27 January 2022 on passport documents should also be included in this group of regulations. The focus of the analysis in the study is on illustrating those elements that determine the existence of informatisation in the passport procedure and in the scope of other activities that accompany this procedure or are closely related to it. This will allow an overall assessment of the informatisation process and, in particular, highlight the benefits that follow from computerised and automated activities.


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