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Vol. 19 No. 21 (2) (2024)


The Significance of Liturgical Law in Seminary Formation

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Published: 2024-11-13


Liturgical law and its understanding are paramount in the formation of clergy, especially during the stage of preparation for receiving the sacrament of Holy Orders. Candidates for the priesthood are to possess adequate theological, legal, and practical knowledge in the field of liturgy in order to more fully and consciously understand and celebrate the Church’s liturgy. Familiarity with the principles of liturgical law reflects the faith of the clergyman and his desire to be obedient to the Church by celebrating the liturgy in accordance with its laws. A proper understanding of liturgical law, as well as customary law in liturgy, will help clergy appropriately assess and apply local customs so that they do not contradict the general norms of the ars celebrandi. The guarantee of a correct understanding of these norms is seminary formation, where liturgy constitutes the center of life, and the communal celebration of the sacraments or the Liturgy of the Hours, under the guidance of well-prepared superiors, allows future ministers of sacred rites to move confidently within the realm of worship.


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