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Tom 23 Nr 26 (2013)


Wymogi stanowienia prawa w Kościele partykularnym. Zarys problematyki

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 30.06.2013


Law-making is a formalized process. Normative act to be in force should meet the following requirements: 1) issued by a competent law-making body; 2) correctly structured; 3) announced (made available to the public) in a manner determined by the law. The Roman Pontiff, the College of Bishops, diocesan bishop, particular councils, conference of bishops and meeting of the bishops of the province are entitled to law-making in the particular Church. Congregation for Bishops in the Directory for the pastoral ministry of bishops Apostolorum Successores specified the basic criteria for the law-making bodies. The legislator in the Code of Canon Law 1983 indicated that “a law comes in to existence when it is promulgated” (can. 7). Particular laws begin to bind one month from the date of promulgation, unless another time period is determined in the law itself (can. 8 § 2). Then the Author showed the postulate. The competent law-making bodies in particular Churches and groupings of particular Churches should remember to include the date while promulgating the normative acts.


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