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Vol. 31 No. 34 (2021)


Collegial Activity of Bishops in an Effective and Affective Aspect

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2021-06-30


A special sign of the times of the modern Church is the principle of collegiality. Implemented since the beginning on the basis of the College of the Twelve and having its deep biblical roots, in its present form it is the fruit of the work of the Second Vatican Council. Collegiality displays the communal nature of the Church, expresses its universality and unity. It manifests itself in the ministry of the College of Bishops. And it expresses through effective and affective collegiality. The first refers to acts of a collegial nature in the strict sense that involve the entire College of Bishops, united with the Bishop of Rome. Affective collegiality, on the other hand, manifests itself in collegial acts sensu lato. It denotes more the concern of the bishops for the universal Church and for the particular Churches. The forms of affective collegiality are believed to: The Synod of Bishops, particular synods, bishops’ conferences, participation of bishops in the work of the Roman Curia, visits of ad limina and missionary cooperation. The collegiality of bishops understood in this way enables multiple care for the good of the whole Church, realizes its unity and presents the richness of this Mystical Body of Christ.


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