This paper concerns the statutes of the parish. A parish is established lawfully and possess juridical personality by virtue of the law itself (c. 515 § 3). An aggregate of persons or of things can obtain juridical personality on the grounds their statutes formerly approved by the competent authority. The author clarifies that, as a rule, the administration of ecclesiastical goods is defined in both canon law and in the statutes. Therefore the statutes, in carrying out the act of extraordinary administration (c. 1281 § 1) cannot be ignored. The ecclesiastical legislator clearly states about the drawing up own statutes, for example: the conference of bishops (c. 451), institutes of consecrated life (c. 586, 587), there is however, no reference to the obligation to establish the statutes of the parish. The possession of parish statutes would allow specification of the administration of ecclesiastical goods, especially when it comes to the effectiveness of the canonical requirements in civil law. For this purpose, it is a requirement that statutes must be based on the law (art. 38 of the Civil Code). Nonetheless up until now, the act on the relationship between the State and the Catholic Church in Poland does not hold such provision, therefore the postulate de lege ferenda must be „the way of the operation of the parish regulates its statutes”. Apart from statutes based on the act, there is also the problem of the openness of the legal provisions in the court register. The Act of 20 August 1997 National Court Register does not provide for the parish registry. Therefore a second postulate de lege ferenda should be applied: the principle of openness of statutes in the National Court Register.
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