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About the Journal

The European Review of Law and International Relations (abbreviated EPPiSM, EL&IRR) is a quarterly journal published since 2004. The publisher is the European University of Law and Administration in Warsaw. It publishes academic texts in the social sciences - in the disciplines of:

1. Legal sciences
2. international relations
3. security studies
4. Political science and administration
5. sociological sciences
6. social sciences and media
7. canon law
8. management and quality sciences.

On 1 December 2021, EPPiSM was included in the list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed proceedings of international conferences maintained by the Ministry of Science and Technology - under item 32443 (201259), where it received 40 points.

It publishes only original texts and texts that meet the criteria of a high scientific level. The editors respect the principles of publication ethics adopted by the Committee on Publication Ethics.


Publisher of the journal

The journal European Law and International Relations Review is published by the European University of Law and Administration in Warsaw (


Scope and purpose of the journal

The quarterly journal EPPiSM publishes primarily peer-reviewed (double-blind review) scholarly articles and glosses. The research focus is on legal sciences (including the philosophy of law and European Union law), political sciences and administration, international relations, security sciences, sociological sciences, social communication sciences and media, as well as interdisciplinary (and broadly conceived) European studies. The most important premise of the periodical is the development of scientific discourse in both theoretical and methodological aspects. The results of the authors' analyses take into account local or regional research perspectives as well as (sometimes complex) legal, socio-cultural or historical contexts. In addition to peer-reviewed scientific articles and glosses, EPPiSM also publishes non-peer-reviewed texts, including review essays and shorter reviews (of monographs, journals, online editions, etc.), introductions (e.g. in special issues), reports, summaries, notes.

The EPPiSM publishes contributions written mainly in Polish and English (occasionally also in French and Russian). For several years, the number of authors and reviewers coming from foreign universities has been steadily increasing. A number of non-Polish scientists have also become members of the EPPiSM Scientific Council. In addition, the international reach of the quarterly is to be enhanced by a steady increase in the number of articles written in English.

The periodical is devoted to studies in:

1. legal sciences (law according to the OECD classification);
2. International Relations (other social sciences according to the OECD classification);

3. Security Studies (other social sciences according to the OECD classification);

4. Political science and administration (OECD classification for political science); 5;
5. social sciences (sociology according to the OECD classification); 6;
6. social sciences and media (media and communications according to the OECD classification); 7;
7. canon law (OECD classification for law);
8. management and quality sciences (economics and management according to the OECD classification).


In addition to articles, glosses, reviews of scientific publications that fall within the journal's profile (including review essays), reports of scientific conferences and other events in the life of the EWSPA University are also published.

Specificity of the periodical

What sets the EPPiSM apart is its multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity - stimulating the search for links between the social sciences - which reflect the University's changing and enriched profile over the years.



1 December 2021. The European Law and International Relations Review has been included in the list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed proceedings of international conferences maintained by the Minister of Education and Science. The journal was listed there under item 32443 (201259) and scored 40 points.


Indexing in databases and search engines

The journal European Law and International Relations Review is indexed in the following databases and search engines:

– National Library
– Library of Science
– CEJSH – The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
– Crossreff
– Google Scholar
– Copernicus, Poland
– OJS @ Academicon


Languages of publication

The journal European Review of Law and International Relations  publishes texts in Polish, English, French and Russian [at least until now; French and Russian have been published sporadically; now we have, for example, a text in Ukrainian, but it is also in English, so perhaps the English version will be published].

Scientific level

EPPiSM publishes original articles that meet the criterion of high scientific level. Ensuring a high level of scientific papers published in the pages of our journal is possible thanks to reliable reviewing procedures practised in the Editorial Board and respecting the principles of publication ethics developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


The editorial team

The journal is managed by the Editorial Board chaired by Prof. Jerzy Wiatr - Editor-in-Chief. The advisory and controlling body is the Programme Council - composed of
of national and international academics.



The European Review of Law and International Relations is a quarterly journal. The first issue per year is published in January-March, the second: April-June, the third: July-September and the fourth: October-December. Once a year, it is permissible to publish a combined double issue with a correspondingly increased number of pages. The double issue covers two consecutive periods, e.g. April-September.

Primary version

The original (primary) version of the European Review of Law and International Relations is the electronic version. The printed version can be ordered at: (see



p-ISSN: 2081-0903 (print version), e-ISSN: 2957-0980.

Texts appearing in are provided with individual, unique DOI identifiers


Copyright policy

By submitting a text to the Editor, the Author transfers to the Publisher the exclusive right to publish it (copyright and publishing rights), including publication in LEX and Legalis.

The publisher of EPPiSM is entitled to distribute any material published in the journal and to use it under an exclusive licence agreement - concluded each time for an indefinite period of time with the author of the work - in the fields of exploitation specified in the agreement.


Open Access policy and free licences

The EPPiSM operates under the principles of open access (Open Access). All publications on the journal's website are available (online) under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY DEED) licence (see full licence wording).

For the reader, this means that the content of the journal is available to both the user and his/her institution free of charge. Users can use the full versions of the texts, i.e. read, download, copy, print, search, and use them for any legally permitted purpose without having to seek permission from the publisher or author(s). This practice is in line with the definition of open access (BOAI).

History of the journal

The history of EWSPA's university periodical began at a very special moment for Poland, as the first issue appeared exactly at the beginning of May 2004. - The coincidence with the date of Poland's accession to the European Union is, of course, not coincidental.

From the very first issue, the European character embodied in the name of the journal was clearly evident. To get an idea of this, it suffices to recall a few titles of articles included in the early issues of European Law Review (because in 2004-2006 the journal bore this shorter name): ‘Harmonisation of law in the European Community and approximation of Polish legislation to Community law’; ‘Europeanisation of Polish labour law’; ‘German claims for compensation and vindication against Poland: ratione materiae and ratione temporis’; ‘The Charter of Fundamental Rights: genesis, content, scope of validity, attempted evaluation’; ‘What next after Tampere? Area of Freedom, Security and Justice'; “Changes in fiscal criminal law after Poland's accession to the European Union”; “Community trademark law”; “Free movement of workers in the European Union” or “Sovereignty of European Union states: primacy and direct application”.

The first issues of the periodical (initially planned as a bimonthly, it soon became - and still is to this day - a quarterly) show that foreign authors also wrote in it, which became a regular practice even later (as did the multilingualism of selected issues).

The substantive shape of the initial seven issues is due to the first editor-in-chief, Piotr Ambroziewicz; authors at the time included: Witold Wołodkiewicz, Tadeusz Szymanek, Władysław Czapliński, Anne Fort and Richard D. Pomp.

In fact, Supreme Court Judge Tadeusz Szymanek remained one of the most important authors for the quarterly until the end of his days, as did the former rector of the university, Dariusz Czajka, who died in March 2021. Both were, moreover, active members of the Editorial Committee from the very beginning of the journal.

In 2009, after a three-year hiatus, the quarterly was reactivated under a slightly changed title: ‘European Review of Law and International Relations’. Ewa Boniecka-Bromke became the editor-in-chief then (and remained so until September 2013). This involved a certain change of profile; the hitherto legal (as well as administrative and managerial) issues were complemented by other content: political science - including the title international relations - sociology and related issues. Since 2009, the quarterly has thus broadened its thematic scope to include new areas of social sciences. This consciously adopted interdisciplinarity - stimulating the search for links between the social sciences - also reflected the new, similarly enriched profile of the university.

In October 2013, Jerzy J. Wiatr became the editor-in-chief of EPPiSM. He holds this position to this day, while remaining an important and tireless author of articles and reviews.

Over the past eight years, the philosophy of law and related issues have appeared in the pages of the quarterly to a much greater extent than before. Political science analyses (also by foreign authors) have also become more frequent. Among the foreign authors publishing in EPPiSM there are such respected names of world science as:

- Shlomo Avineri - professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, world-renowned historian of Marxism and Zionism;

- Anton Bebler - Professor Em. at the University of Ljubljana, Professor abroad at EWSPA, President of the Slovenian Euro-Atlantic Council, one of the world's best known theorists in the field of military and national security;

- Ergun Özbudun - Professor at Istanbul University, Turkey's most prominent constitutional law theorist, honorary professor at EWSPA;

- Adam Przeworski, professor at New York University and the University of Chicago, member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences;

- Elena Shestopal - Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, former Vice President of the International Political Science Association;

- Alexander Zapiesotsky - Rector of the St. Petersburg Humanities University, Member-Correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Distinguished Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honorary Doctor of Universities from the USA, Israel and Ukraine, Honorary Professor of ESPA.

Many of the published texts remain in their original languages (most often English, Russian and French); this is especially true of monographic issues, which are usually the aftermath of international conferences; however, some articles by foreign authors are translated.

Special or monographic issues of EPPiSM were also devoted to commemorating important events in our recent history (such as the 20th anniversary of the enactment of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland). The pages of the quarterly then contained a rich harvest of a conference held on this anniversary with the participation of, among others, former President Aleksander Kwaśniewski), or honouring the deceased persons of particular merit to the university (Prof. zw. Adam Bromke, SSN Tadeusz Szymanek, Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Bierć, Rector Dariusz Czajka, Prof. EWSPA and a lawyer).

Recently, the abovementioned rich thematic spectrum of the journal has been joined by the issue of public safety, which is gaining more and more importance. Although, of course, the most interesting issues of national and Community law, so important and dominant especially in the first, freshly post-accession period of the journal's existence, will probably never disappear from the programme editors' sight.

From the very beginning, the university's periodical has also been open to the best students and graduates of EWSPA. The publication of selected student papers is one of those didactic tools that can hardly be overestimated.

The first editor-in-chief of the journal (formerly known as European Law Review) was Piotr Ambroziewicz. For more than a decade, the substantive shape has been complemented by selected political and sociological issues. The editor-in-chief of the European Review of Law and International Relations is Jerzy J. Wiatr.

To date, 69 issues have been published (EPP and EPPiSM combined).