“Linguistics” covers the full thematic range of contemporary and historical linguistics, knowledge of verbal and non-verbal communication, text-creation mechanisms and dialogue organisation. We also take into account the issues of the interlinguistic and intercultural borderline as well as comparative approaches to various sign systems. In addition to theoretical considerations, we present linguistic, communication and stylistic analyses of written and oral texts, taking into account various contemporary methodologies and research techniques. The international journal (DOI 10.25312/2391-5137) is indexed in the following databases: DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, BazHum, and Index Copernicus. In the list of scientific journals of the Ministry of Education and Science from 2021, it holds position 31430 with 40 points. From 2022, the frequency of publications changed from yearly to semi-annual. The editors of the journal are guided by the principles of COPE publishing ethics.
The journal's publisher and owner
The journal ‘’Linguistics’’ is published by the Publishing House of the University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź, Poland. The journal's owner is the University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź. The journal is published with the owner's funds. The publisher does not charge authors. It is possible to publish advertisements related to the thematic scope of the magazine (conferences, events, publications).
Thematic scope of the journal
The periodical is devoted to studies in the field of:
- contemporary linguistics
- historical linguistics
- cognitive linguistics
- knowledge of verbal and non-verbal communication, text-creating mechanisms and organization of dialogue
- language contacts
- linguistics and intercultural communication
- translation studies
- glottodidactics
In addition to theoretical considerations, we present linguistic, communication and stylistic analyses of written and oral texts, taking into account various contemporary methodologies and research techniques.
The specificity of the journal
As the thematic scope shows, “Linguistics” is multi- and interdisciplinary and opens its doors to new concepts, theories and topics from the broadly understood field of language and culture research. Both strictly linguistic issues and the issues of multiculturalism and multilingualism in the communication and identity dimension are at the centre of our attention.
Compared to others of this type, our journal is distinguished by thematic and linguistic diversity. “Linguistics” covers the full thematic scope of contemporary and historical linguistics, knowledge of verbal and non-verbal communication, text-creation mechanisms and dialogue organisation. We also take into account the issues of the interlinguistic and intercultural borderline as well as comparative approaches to various sign systems. In addition to theoretical considerations, we present linguistic, communication and stylistic analyses of written and oral texts, taking into account various contemporary methodologies and research techniques.
Points allocation
It allocates 70 points on the list of Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) scientific journals from 2023.
Indexing in databases and search engines
The international journal (DOI 10.25312/2391-5137) is currently indexed in the following databases:
- BazHum
- Index Copernicus
Publication languages
Articles in the following languages are preferred: English, French, German, Polish, Russian, and Italian [guidelines for authors].
Scientific level
Only original papers that meet the criterion of a high scientific level may be published in “Linguistics” (see guidelines for authors).
Ensuring a high level of scientific papers published in “Linguistics” is possible thanks to reliable review procedures practised by the Editorial Board (see review procedures) and respecting the principles of publication ethics (see ethical rules) developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Editorial Board
The journal is managed by the Editorial Committee composed of:
Assoc. Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Kusal (editor-in-chief) Dr Anna Fadecka (deputy editor-in-chief)
The International Program Council is an advisory and controlling body. See editorial team.
“Linguistics” is a semi-annual journal. The first issue of the year is published in June, and the second in December (see Archive).
Original version
The original version of “Linguistics” is in print. The printed version of the journal can be ordered on the publisher's website.
ISSN: 1897-0389 (print version)
e-ISSN: 2391-5137 (electronic version)
Texts published in “Linguistics” are provided with individual, unique DOI identifiers [10.25312/2391-5137]
Open Access policy and free licenses
“Linguistics” operates on the principles of Open Access and meets its definition dedicated by DOAJ. All publications on the journal's website are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (see full license).
For the reader, this means that the content of the journal is available to both the user and the individual institution free of charge. Users can read, download, copy, print, search, and use the full text of articles, as well as use them for any purpose permitted by law without having to seek the consent of the publisher or author. This is in line with the BOAI definition of free access.
The journal adheres to the rules contained in the document "Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing".
For the author, this means that by submitting the text for publication in the journal, one agrees to the above-mentioned policy.
Subscription and purchase of printed copies
The Publisher and Editors do not sell paper copies in the subscription mode. These copies can be purchased through the Publisher's online store.
Copyright notice
The copyright for all texts published in the journal "Linguistics" belongs to the Owner/Publisher of the journal.
© Copyright by Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi, Lodz 2013–2024
Archiving the journal
Full-text copies of articles with their metadata (published from 2016 onwards) are deposited in the Library of Science, hosted at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling at the University of Warsaw within the Open Science Platform.
Since June 2024, the journal has been archived in the international PORTICO archive. Ultimately, it will contain all issues published online since 2013.
The Publisher guarantees the implementation of electronic backup procedures. The website archive will be maintained as long as there is a need, and also after the journal ceases to operate. Copies of published issues are stored on the Owner's servers.
Magazine history
The first issue of “Linguistics” was published in 2007. The journal was founded on the initiative of Prof. Anna Krupska-Perek and Prof. Grażyna Habrajska. The editor-in-chief of the first 4 issues was Prof. Marian Kucal. The next editor-in-chief was Dr. Hab. Grzegorz Majkowski (numbers 5 to 10). Starting with the 11th issue of the journal, the function of the editor-in-chief was taken over by Dr. Hab. Krzysztof Kusal. During its activity, the journal gained international importance. From 2022, the frequency of publications was changed to twice a year (semi-annual).
Since 2013, the journal has also been published online in the Open Access to Content mode.
In the Ministry of Science and Higher Education score, it scored 6 points in 2010 and retained this score until the evaluation in 2015. In the score of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2021, the journal scored 40 points. Since August 2023 the score has been 70 points. Since January 5, 2024 - the score is 40 points again.
The journal's editorial staff is guided by the COPE editorial ethics principles.