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No. 2/19 (2023)


On the need for interdisciplinary research on fake news. Reconnaissance

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-12-18


This article discusses various mechanisms and factors involved in the creation and distribution of fake news, in relation to the characteristics of contemporary media and the phenomena that contribute to the susceptibility of their audiences to disinformation. It also illustrates how easily users can generate fake news with the assistance of artificial intelligence and provides examples of deliberate disinformation campaigns conducted to destabilize and polarize societies. The response to issues related to the proliferation of disinformation and the social harm caused by fake news is reflected in the abundance of research conducted, sometimes across disparate disciplines. Consequently, a comprehensive approach to the phenomenon of fake news necessitates interdisciplinary research and the collaboration of scientists representing diverse fields of study. Through such collaboration, it becomes possible to disseminate knowledge about fake news and methods for verifying information in the form of clear and credible materials that educators can utilize. Indeed, the most effective solution lies in enhancing information awareness, particularly among students in their final years of primary and secondary education.


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