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No. 1/20 (2024)


Specialized terminology as a factor of knowledge organising and development

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-05-29


Specialized terminology constitutes the majority of lexical units in advanced modern languages. The development of specialized lexicons is faster than that of everyday language lexicons. Specialized vocabulary is probably the only part of the language that can be consciously modified and controlled. Organizing specialized lexical units and introducing concept systems can affect the rate of knowledge growth. The impossibility of separating terminology from science and science from terminology is obvious. There are many examples of stagnation or complete lack of progress in the sciences due to inadequate terminology or lack of necessary terminology. By studying the evolution of terminology, we get the opportunity to estimate the pace of development of a selected conceptual fragment of the image of the world. At the same time, we have the opportunity to discover the causes and conditions for the development of human mentality and accelerate the development of knowledge.


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