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Ethical principles

Publishing Ethics Statement

The editors of the journal "Językoznawstwo" together with the Publisher comply with ethical standards set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It follows the rules contained in the DOAJ document "Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing", defining ethical principles in scientific publications. These standards set the final and indisputable rules governing the process of reviewing and editing submitted scientific texts. The editorial office declares that any relations with the business environment do not affect compliance with them. The intention of the Publisher, the University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz, is the continuous improvement of journals, which is why publishing scientific papers is subject to a fair, ethical and reliable procedure of selection and review of submitted works.

In view of the above, the obligations of the parties involved in the publication process are as follows:


Reviewers of scientific texts submitted to the journal “Linguistics” undertake to:

    1. Reliable, objective review of scientific papers submitted to them, in accordance with ethical standards and refraining from all forms of unscientific criticism. Comments and feedback from reviewers that are returned to authors should be unbiased, clear, and concise.
    2. Timely preparation of reviews. If other professional commitments prevent the reviewer from meeting
      the deadlines, the reviewer should refrain from reviewing. In the event of a delay, the reviewer should notify the editorial office of the journal about the postponement of the review delivery date.
    3. Making every effort to increase the scientific value of peer-reviewed scientific articles, e.g. by indicating
      to the authors other sources, not included in the work, but relevant to the undertaken research field.
    4. Refrain from preparing a review if the field to which the reviewed scientific papers relate does not fall within their scientific competence or/and there is a conflict of interest between the author and the reviewer.
    5. Informing the editorial staff of violations of ethical standards in the reviewed articles by the authors of the publication, including, above all, plagiarism and self-plagiarism.
    6. Informing the editors of a possible conflict of interest between the author and the reviewer. Reviewers may refuse a review if they believe that reviewing a paper violates a conflict of interest or conflicts with their interests.
    7. Comply with the rules of confidentiality regarding all information related to the review process. Works may only be made available to others with the consent of the author, editors or publishing team.


The authors of scientific texts submitted in “Linguistics” undertake the following actions:

  1. Make a statement that all data contained in the scientific articles sent by them are original and true.
  2. Make a statement that the submitted scientific text has not been sent for review in another scientific journal.
  3. Cooperation with the editorial office of the journal in the process of exchanging information regarding the reviewing and editing of submitted scientific papers.
  4. Disclosure of data about the place of previous publication of a scientific text, if it is in whole or in part a reprint.
  5. Disclosure of sources of funding for scientific research, the results of which are presented in the submitted scientific papers.
  6. Disclosure of the full list of authors of submitted scientific papers.
  7. Obtaining permission to publish other copyrighted elements of the scientific paper (e.g. illustrations, photos).
  8. Disclosure of any potential conflict of interest that may arise in the process of reviewing and editing submitted scientific papers.
  9. Indication of possible errors and corrections before the final publication of the work.
  10. Sign a statement that any errors not noticed in the author's correction are on the side of the author.

The author's expression of the will to publish a scientific paper in ”Linguistics” is tantamount to submitting the statements referred to in points 1 and 2.


Members of the editorial staff of “Linguistics” undertake the following actions:

  1. Deciding on the publication of submitted scientific texts, taking into account only their scientific value, regardless of the author's origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, citizenship and worldview.
  2. Make objective decisions about accepting scientific papers for publication, and in the case of refusal to justify one’s decision.
  3. Information on the journal's website about the rules for reviewing submitted scientific texts.
  4. Maintain full anonymity in the process of reviewing scientific texts and not disclosing the content of the review to third parties.
  5. Withdraw from the process of editing a scientific text if there is a conflict of interest with its author.
  6. Informing authors of any suggestions for changes in scientific papers, excluding markup and proofreading.

The author has the right to appeal against the decision not to publish one’s article to the editor-in-chief of the journal. The editor-in-chief of “Linguistics” may maintain or change the decision after consulting the editorial department.