The aim of the article was to analyse the use of annals as sources for the first seventeen short biographies of bishops in Jan Długosz’s The Catalogue of Cracow Bishops which was written in its first version short after 1451. The research showed that Długosz used annals from Lesser Poland: The Annals of the Cracow Chapter, The Cracovian Annals, three Małopolska Annals from Dąbrówka’s Lubin Codex, Kuropatnicki’s Codex, Piotr of Szamotuły’s Heilsberg Codex, or their lost archetypes, and The Holy Cross Annals. Most often Długosz used The Annals of the Cracow Chapter and three Małopolska Annals from which he gained the dates of ordinations and deaths of Cracow bishops. The analysis also revealed that Długosz did not make use of the archetype of Małopolska Annals from Konrad Gesselen’s Królewiec Codex. The Cracovian Annals and The Holy Cross Annals were used by Długosz occasionally, each twice in the examined part of Długosz’s catalogue.