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Bd. 32 Nr. 2 (2023)


Natura drogi oświecenia według o. Pawła Ogórka OCD

  • Stanisław Urbański
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52097/lst.2023.2.147-158  [Google Scholar]
Veröffentlicht: 2023-06-28


The path of enlightenment consists imitating of Jesus by practicing the virtues, especially the supernatural ones. The condition for this development of virtues is a some purity of heart. Man has to put his passions in order and fight with his major weaknesses. Then comes self-control, order in everyday life, deep conviction of the truths of faith, and more time to talk with the Lord during prayer. To achieve this state, a Christian must to pass a process of passive purification, which leads him into the mystical life. All imperfections must be removed. Therefore, God’s intervention is needed, which is expressed through special inspirations. Then the gifts of the Holy Spirit enable us to receive them. The Christian experiences passive purifications of senses and of spirit. This state can be compared to the purification of the senses. The purification of the soul is compared to the purification of gold in a crucible. In this state, prayer develops from meditation to emotional prayer. The Christian must therefore remove the obstacles in the development of prayer.


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