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Vol. 32 No. 2 (2023)


Media pedagogy in the episcopal ministry of Adam Lepa commemoratio testis

  • Karol Klauza
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-28


Adam Lepa – bishop of Łódź in Poland among his other pastoral skills, remains the notable Christian mass medialogist and effective organizer of the Catholic press, radio and television institutions. In the period after the turning point marked by the Solidarity social movement from the 80s. he worked as head of the Commission for Social Communication Instruments of the Polish Episcopate Conference. His academic competence and personal values were the basis for his various institutional and pastoral initiatives. Among others it is necessary to underline his role in the formulation of the charter of the main ideas formulated for the Society of Catholic Journalists. Even in her academic work Msgr Lepa has published many books and articles that are significant for contemporary mass-mediology. His personal life remains as the personal criterion of journalistic values in the field of „logosphere” on which he left us so many pages.


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