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Vol. 32 No 4 (2023)


Ekonomia sakramentalna i wybrane sakramentalia w Polskiej Misji Katolickiej w Hamburgu

  • Rafał Wasielewski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Publiée: 2024-01-19


Proclaiming the Gospel to the whole world, and as part of this, caring for people, caring for the faithful, is one of the basic tasks of the Church; it is carried out through pastoral care in individual parishes. It is the parish which forms the center of religious, liturgical, and sacramental life for the Christian.
This article provides a source knowledge on various aspects of sacramental service and is also a reflection on this problem.
The article presents the sacraments, which form the center of religious life and are the source of initiation and deepening in the Faith, uniting one to Christ and to the whole community, and especially for Polish immigrants, a bond which spiritually connects them to their homeland. For that reason, the whole sacramental life of the Polish community in Hamburg is presented here, taking into account concrete numerical data and also the meaning of these sacred signs in the lives of the faithful. The sacraments, although they sanctify the most important moments of human life and are irreplaceable, do not fulfill (?) all the spiritual needs of the People of God. Therefore, the conclusion presents other aspects of man’s sanctification on the basis of selected sacramentals.


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