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Vol. 32 No 1 (2023)


Rozumienie czasu według J. Ratzingera w odniesieniu do poglądów św. Augustyna, G. Greshake i M. Heideggera

  • Marek Kołodziejczyk
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Publiée: 2023-04-25


The subject of reflection in this article is the interdependence of the concept of time, which is not in contradiction with the idea of eternity, memory and the “dialogical” soul. The views of J. Ratzinger against the background of the ancient tradition represented by St. Augustin, whose reflection is the basis and starting point of Ratzinger’s concept of time, conceived anthropologically and spiritually. Then, their continuation is presented on the basis of the theological discussion with G. Greshake, in which he criticizes the theory of resurrection in death without the soul, containing the essence of the existence of the human person and its history. At the same time, Ratzinger regards Greshake’s effort to re-understand time as a step forward in understanding the hope of eternal life. A reference to contemporary philosophy presented on the example of Martin Heidegger, whose analyzes and, unfortunately, the closed notions of temporality and being that describe human existence, are included in the background of considerations on eternity. This shows that also on the basis of existential philosophy it is at least possible to be aware of the idea of eternity and God. The above analysis also indicates the need for a new study of the biblical and anthropological foundations of the issue of time – memory, soul and speaking about eternal life in their context.


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