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Vol. 129 (2018): Nasza Przeszłość


The activity of Antonio Pucci as a cardinal-protector for Poland in light of dairy of a journey to Italy 1540-1541 by Jan Ocieski from Ocieszyn

  • Michał Hirsch
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2018-06-30


A diary of a journey to Italy 1540-1541 is a report from a mission to Rome of Jan Ocieski from Ocieszyn in his capacity as a legate. It is a perfect source of information about life and activity of Antonio Pucci and the office of cardinalprotector for Poland. Notes from his over-half-a-year stay in the Eternal City are also a testimony of hidden games and quarrels among political groups which raged in the courts of Sigismund August and pope Paul III. We also learn a lot about the cardinal Pucci, his character, his relation to Poland, Poles and his political inclinations. It’s good to know that the protector’s office for Poland (as part of papal administration) was a key office in diplomatic relations with the Holy See. Hence, to know the cardinal-protector is basic to understanding the whole papal policy of Sigmund August.


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