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Vol. 115 (2011): Our Past


The contribution to the history of the Congregation of the Mission during the visitation rule of Fr. Michał Kownacki

  • Alfons Schletz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2011-12-30


After the visitator Bartłomiej Tarło, transferred in 1710 to perform Poznań Bishop’s duties, Fr. Michał Tomasz Kownacki became the provincial superior of the missionary priests. This dissertation presents his inspector activity and is the contribution to the history of Polish missionary priests in the beginning of XVIII century. He made the efforts connected with the internal development o f the Congregation of the Mission, wishing to imitate his great predecessor the bishop Tarło. Describing the character o f the priest Kownacki we ought to tell, that he was distinguished by the great kindness and the love towards both his congregation and towards the individual members. He encouraged to practice this mode o f the love all the people and in his circular letter dated on 29 January 1711 recommended to treat all superiors with the respect. He demanded the equal respect towards all, both the priests and the brothers.


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