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Vol. 115 (2011): Our Past


The scientific and educational activities of Fr. Józef Jakubowski

  • Alfons Schletz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2011-12-30


Among the great number of the remarkable personalities, who were very important in the history of the education in Poland and in the period of the literature in the reign of the king Stanisław Poniatowski was indisputably Józef Jakubowski, first the captain of the artillery, the professor of The Corps of Cadets and the Corps of Horse Artillery, then the visitator of the Congregation of the Mission in Poland. Today we can say, that the priest Jakubowski was similarly as the Fr. Tarło, subsequent Bishop of Poznań and the priest Śliwicki the most courageous manager of Polish priests of the Congregation of the Mission.


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