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Vol. 115 (2011): Our Past


Stanisław Łempicki (1886-1947)

  • Alfons Schletz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2011-12-30


This dissertation presents the remarkable humanist and the historian of Polish culture. The scientific research and works of Stanisław Łempicki in the first place referred to the humanism. The culture of the Golden Century in Poland, the foreign influences, the history of the Polish literature and then the matters connected with the history of the education, the educational system and Polish educational ideas were the topics of Łempicki’s scientific interests. Professor Łempicki was the polymath scientist, besides he had the extraordinary talent of the synthesis. His works were written in the beautiful and intense style and in faultless Polish, they can be read as the interesting novel. He did not leave the extensive works, except for several dissertations. „I leave the writing o f the extensive volumes for you the young - I will write only shorter dissertations” - he said one week before his death. He was carried away by his live temperament and was sometimes separated from just started work and was engaged in some new idea. This was why, the Professor had on his table several topics at the same time. Professor Łempicki had the excellent memory, which allowed him to discuss every topic on the wider base. Besides the talent of the eloquence (he was excellent and respected lecturer-orator). He had the extraordinary facility of the writing, what was manifested not only in his strictly scientific dissertations, but also in journalistic work.


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