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Vol. 22 (1965): Our Past


Archidiecezja Wrocławska w latach 1945-1965

  • Wincenty Urban
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1965-12-30


The article describes the development of the Archdiocese of Wroclaw in the years 1945-1965. It describes population changes, the state of territorial and ecclesiastical organisation, the work of the apostolic administrator Fr Karol Milik, the chapter vicar Fr Kazimierz Lagosz and Archbishop Boleslaw Kominek. The clergy working in the Archdiocese and the methods of pastoral work were described. The training of the clergy and the difficulty of rebuilding destroyed churches were discussed. The role and merits of the Church for Polishness and its publishing and cultural activities are also discussed.  


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