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Vol. 55 (1981): Our Past


Religious formation of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Elizabeth in the years 1945-1975

  • Wincenty Urban
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1981-06-30


The formation of new religious forces always plays an extremely important role in every congregation. A similar necessity occurred in the history of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Elizabeth. Appropriate formation ensures the appropriate development and shaping of new members, enriches their spiritual and mental level, prepares them for life in their own religious family, helps them realize their proper goal, which is the care of the sick in the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Elizabeth, and enables them to perform other tasks. external gatherings. Formation in the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Elizabeth begins with the admission of candidates to the religious family, develops through the postulancy, novitiate, period of temporary vows, and after the Second Vatican Council, through the juniorate. It ends with the taking of perpetual vows. Discussing monastic formation, the author emphasizes the need to focus on the development of character, moral conscience and virtues, just like in the case of priestly formation. He indicates that this formation should be based on the Gospel, the Decalogue and dogmas. The author also emphasizes that religious formation must take into account contemporary challenges, such as secularism and ethical naturalism, which young people may encounter when joining a religious order. It indicates the need to devote a lot of energy to introducing them to the right path of spirituality.


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