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Vol. 33 (1970): Our Past

Profiles, memories

Father Hieronim Feicht, first pastoral caregiver for Poles in Wrocław, Oporów (18 III - 31 X 1946)

  • Alfons Schletz CM
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1970-12-30


The eminent Polish musicologist Fr Hieronim Feicht, known for his numerous works on the history of Polish music and publications on old Polish music, was involved in pastoral work four times in his life. At the turn of the year 1932-1933, during the absence of the parish priest, Fr Ludwik Moska, he held the post of house superior and pastor of the parish of St Vincent de Paul in Bydgoszcz. In 1935 he worked for a few months in Łysków. During the occupation he helped with pastoral work in Olcza, near Zakopane. This article, based on the "Chronicle and Announcement Book of the Pastoral Post in Wroclaw on Oporów", presents the work of Father Hieronim Feicht as a pastoral priest for 150 Poles living in Oporów at that time.


  1. Feicht H., Łysków k. Słonimia, „Rocznik obydwóch Zgromadzeń św. Wincentego a Paulo”, R. 38: 1935 s. 320. [Google Scholar]
  2. Gicewicz E., Kanty 1909-1959. First Fifty Years of St. John Kanty College and Preparatory School at Erie, Pennsylvania, Erie 1959 s. 74-75. [Google Scholar]
  3. Księża Misjonarze w Łyskowie k. Słonimia, „Przegląd Krajoznawczy”,. R. 2: 1938 s. 171-176. [Google Scholar]
  4. Schletz, Ks. Franciszek Smidoda CM. (1902-1944), „Nasza Przeszłość”, T. 3: 1947 s. 245-246. [Google Scholar]


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