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No. 6 (2022)


Permissible levels of road traffic noise – a few remarks on illusory acoustic protection

  • Piotr Poniatowski
Published: 2024-02-04


Environmental noise is one of the biggest ecological problems in the modern world. Its main component is communication noise, especially road traffic noise. Noise pollution has a negative impact on human health and therefore permissible levels of environmental noise are established as a point of reference for entities obliged to ensure appropriate acoustic climate. This paper discusses the road traffic noise standards applicable in Poland and evaluates them in the light of their compliance with the provisions of normative acts defining the principles of environmental protection. The conducted analysis leads the author to a conclusion that these limits are too high because the noise within them may be harmful to human health. Therefore, the final part of the article contains conclusions concerning changes in the permissible levels of road traffic noise.


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