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Nr 9 (2022)


Sekwencyjność realizacji znamion przestępstwa płatnej protekcji z art. 230 § 1 Kodeksu karnego

  • Szymon Tarapata
Opublikowane: 05.02.2024


An offence of influence peddling can be committed only when the perpetrator fulfills the conduct elements of the prohibited act in a specific sequence. At first, he/she must refer to having influence in the institutions mentioned in Art. 230 § 1 of the Criminal Code (CC), induce another person’s belief in, or assure another person of, the existence of such influence and then he/she should take up intermediation in settling a matter in exchange for financial or personal benefit or a promise of such benefit. This article presents examples of a number of cases in which failure to fulfil the conduct elements in a specific sequence can make it impossible to assign criminal liability. In particular, it is shown that if the perpetrator first accepts a financial benefit, and only then does he/she refer to having influence in the institutions mentioned in Art. 230 § 1 CC and undertakes intermediation in settling a matter in exchange for financial or personal benefit or a promise of such a benefit, fulfilment of the elements of the act described in Art. 230 § 1 CC is not possible.


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