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No. 5 (2024)


Electronic service in civil and criminal matters

  • Jacek Gołaczyński
Published: 2024-07-12


Despite the existence of the Act on Electronic Service, according to the Code of Civil Procedure, the electronic  service of court documents with regard to common courts, until 2029, i.e. until the entry into force of the provisions on electronic service, will be done in accordance with Article 1311a of the Code of Civil Procedure and Article 133a of the Code of Criminal Procedure, i.e. through an ICT system – the portal of common courts. Professional counsels, i.e. advocates, attorneys at law, patent attorneys, the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Poland will be obliged to set up user accounts in the ICT system called the information portal and to receive court documents, possibly pleadings, in a situation when the court is in possession of a digital copy of such a letter. The information portal has previously been used to obtain information about court cases and, under the COVID Law, also to serve electronic court documents. The amendment of the Code of Civil Procedure and other statutes of 7 July 2023 transferred the solutions from the COVID Act to the Code of Civil Procedure and the Code of Criminal Procedure, and amended the statutes regulating legal sub-professions, requiring counsels to set up user accounts in this ICT system in order to be authorised to receive court documents (or pleadings). The amendments to the Civil Procedure Code and the Criminal Procedure Code entered into force on 15 March 2024, i.e. 6 months after the promulgation of the Act of 7 July 2023 in the Journal of Laws. This amendment also overlapped with the obligation under the Act on Electronic Service to establish an address for service in accordance with Article 8 of that Act. The Act obligates professional counsels to establish an address for service by 1 October 2024, but considering the wording of Article 1557 of the Electronic Service Act, its provisions will apply to electronic service made in common courts only from 1 October 2029. This means that establishing an address for service, according to the rules set out in the Electronic Service Act, will not result in receiving correspondence from common courts (in civil and criminal cases) at that address. From 15 March 2024, the provisions of Article 1311a of the Code of Civil Procedure and Article 133a of the Code of Criminal Procedure will apply to services according to the Code of Civil Procedure and the Code of Criminal Procedure, respectively. On the other hand, pursuant to Article 283 of the amending statute of 7 July 2023, in the period until 14 March 2024, the provision of Article 15zzs9 of the COVID Act continued to apply to electronic service, but exclusively if made pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure.


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