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No. 3 (2024)


Registering an unsatisfied private debt in the debtor’s entry in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register. Unnoticed potential of registering.

  • Anna Kanarek-Równicka
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-09-13


The article deals with the issue of disclosure of unsatisfied private debts in the debtor’s entry in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register. The rules according to which the creditor can register the debt in section 4 of the register of entrepreneurs are presented. Attention is drawn to the information and warning function of the National Court Register. The effectiveness of the titular tool in the fight against a financially challenged debtor is discussed. The analysis leads to the conclusion that entering an unsatisfied claim in section 4 of the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register may constitute a faster and more efficient way of recovering an unsatisfied debt.


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