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Vol. 23 (2019)


Executive titles as a subject of falsification

  • Janusz Łukasz Gągolewski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-05


The article was devoted to the problem of the existence of forged documents in circulation, including enforcement titles. The crime directed against the documents constitute a serious threat, as their effects lead to economic and social problems which include the most important ones defined as disorder of certainty of economic trade.. It is estimated that the crimes against reliability of the documents constitute 6% of all crimes, whereas among the economic crimes as many as 40%. The scale of the problem results mainly from the lack of regulations in the scope of the documents ' security, insufficient level of security during the production of such documents methods, and lack of proper control and verification mechanisms. This phenomenon also constitutes a serious threat to the execution of enforcement titles as it is estimated that in 2016 at least in 420 cases the authorities were provided with forged enforcement titles. The available methods of assessing the reliability of the documents do not allow for an effective review of the enforcement titles which in turn results in infringing the ownership right of the crime's victims. It seems that the act on public documents adopted by the Parliament may be of assistance in seeking to solve the existing problem, aiming at creating an effective security system for the public documents.


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