On September 10, 2023, in Markowa near Łańcut, the beatification of Józef and Wiktoria Ulma and their seven children took place. The new blesseds died during World War II at the hands of the Nazis for giving shelter to Jews in their home. Testimonies of witnesses, as well as preserved documents and memorabilia clearly confirm that when saving the lives of the Jews, the Ulmas were guided by faith, and especially by the evangelical ideal of neighbourly love as expressed in the parable of the Good Samaritan. By elevating them to the glory of the altars, the Church wishes not only to appreciate their heroic attitude and sacrifice of life, but also to present them as an example to follow for the contemporary and future generations. Among the many features that make up the spiritual and moral profile of the family from Markowa, one of the most characteristic traits of its holiness is undoubtedly a lively and deeply evangelical sense of responsibility for one’s neighbour. This article emphasizes a theological and moral vision of responsibility for another human being, shows its realization in the life of the Ulma family and accentuates its current significance in the context of contemporary challenges and issues.
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