The subject of analysis in the article is the concept of science-religion relationship, developed by Francisco José Ayala, who died in March 2023. This leading evolutionary biologist of our time argues that science and religion are not in conflict if understood correctly. Criticizing the theory of intelligent design, he claims that in modern living organisms one can find complex versions of earlier forms, and the organization and functionality of living beings can be explained as the result of a natural process (natural selection), without the need to refer to God the Creator. The origin and adaptation of organisms in their entirety can be explained scientifically. All the dysfunctions, imperfections, and even cruelties present in the living world are the result of natural processes, and therefore God cannot be blamed for them. The theory of evolution removes the need to hold the Creator personally responsible for the imperfections of the world. His image, shaped by natural selection, is exciting and creative for Ayala. All of that leads the researcher to conclude that evolution is not the enemy of religion, but its friend.