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Tom 15 Nr 1 (2022)


Appointing and Dismissing a District Commandant of the State Fire Service in Poland

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 29.06.2022


The article is the first, original and only scientific study of the issue of appointing and dismissing district commandants of the State Fire Service in Poland. Thus it fills a gap in the science of law, which can be a reference point for judicial decisions. The article deals with such issues as the administrative nature of the appointment and dismissal, the prerequisites for the appointment and dismissal of the commandant and their proof, the procedure for the appointment and dismissal and the participation in them of the organs of the State Fire Service and the organs of public administration, the importance of the starost’s opinion in these procedures, the importance of the loss of confidence in the appointment and dismissal of the commandant. The issue of the application of the Code of Administrative Procedure raised in the article plays an important role in these procedures. The article is based on the current legal status, exhaustively analyzed and applied judicial decisions and views of the science of law. The paper also refers to the views occurring in the procedures for appointing and dismissing commandants in other uniformed services.


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