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Vol. 12 No. 1 (2019)


Lack of Appropriability of Provisions of the Act Of November 17, 1964 Code of Civil Procedure on a Court of Arbitration for the Proceedings Conducted by the National Appeals Chamber

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-06-30


Conciliatory courts, also known as courts of arbitration. Arbitration courts also known as arbitration courts operate in the Polish legal system order under the regulations incorporated in the Code of Civil Procedure and are basically private courts operating on the basis of the will of the parties to the dispute. Their popularity is constantly increasing and they are particularly appreciated by entrepreneurs who want to limit the time spent on resolving disputes, which may often paralyze the operating abilities of the company to a greater or lesser extent. The deformalisation of proceedings conducted by the courts of arbitration and the possible development of a solution which will create the sense of achieving the prime objective – the mutual victory of both parties to the dispute. The proceedings conducted by the National Appeal Chamber, as regulated by the legislator, were altogether different in the matter of disputes arising from public procurement law – between contracting authorities and economic operators, where the dispute is also resolved by a team of arbitrators. The degree of formalisation of the proceedings, the lack of possibility for the NAC to refrain form taking the evidence in the event of an accusation being recognised, lack of opportunity to enter into a settlement, and other formalities combined with high costs of an appeal lead to the conclusion that it may be necessary to verify the validity of the mechanisms imposed on the proceedings conducted by the NAC, thus providing the need to create legal mechanisms that are more entrepreneur-friendly, similar to those included in the Code of Civil Procedure.


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