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Vol. 6 (2013)


The Function of the Ecclesiastical Advocate in a Penal Process

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2013-12-31


An advocate is involved in a canonical penal process. His main task is to assist the accused during the process. He is absolutely obliged to search for objective truth, when analyzing all the material collected in the preliminary proceedings for the defense of the accused in a lawsuit A coincidental person cannot be the advocate, but he must be formally appointed by the party or by the judge. Before the procurator and advocate undertake their function, they must present an authentic mandate to the tribunal. This publication is intended to draw the character and tasks of the advocate in a canonical penal process. The issue of crimes has been outlined in a general way, as it is the basis for punishments in the Church, then - the way of application of punishments in a penal or administrative court, and the participation of an ecclesiastical advocate, then his exact duties in a penal process, and finally the way of applying punishments in the Church, regarding the person of the advocate. This reflection aims above all at the processes carried out in particular Churches and institutes of consecrated life, governed by the Code of Canon Law, not at the highest level of the Church hierarchy, because besides the regulations contained in the Code of Canon Law of the Church, they also have their own norms.


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