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Tom 17 Nr 1 (2024)


The Bishop of Rome as the Supreme Legislator in the Church. A Theological and Legal Analysis of Pope Francis’ Legislation

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 26.06.2024


The pontificate of Pope Francis can be characterised by a series of legislative decisions. Many of his decisions relate to the specific exercise of the Church legislative power, which in the case of the Bishop of Rome is the highest legislative authority in the Church. Although well-known and characterised in the literature, the legislative power of the Bishop of Rome is worthy of a new synthetic approach in the context of Pope Francis’ legislative decisions, also by citing his specific utterances on this matter. The specific and unique mission of the Bishop of Rome in relation to the whole Church is linked to making various decisions, including those of legislative nature, which are indispensable or useful for the defence and promotion of the unity of faith and communion of the Church. Pope Francis’ reforms, in particular those of a universal character, should also revive the legislative activity of particular legislators, especially diocesan bishops. These reforms should also contribute to the study of the ecclesiastical law, including, but not limited to, its proper application. The nature of the ecclesiastical law, in particular the law promulgated by the Bishop of Rome, is not only purely juridical but also sanctifying and saving.


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